Sunday, March 23, 2008

The 48 Hour report

It's been 48 hours since I got my LASIK. Things continue to improve. I was comfortable driving us to breakfast this morning. Very little discomfort. What discomfort there wa turned out to be due to an eyelash in my eye. A makeup mirror turned out to be a wonderful help in finding and CAREFULLY removing the eyelash. I'm going through lots of rewetting drops - no big deal. If you're going to do this, pick up at least 3 boxes of the preservative free rewetting / lubricating drops. You'll use them.

So far, the only thing I can say was a surprise was how bad I hurt when the numbing drops wore off. All of the after-care notes says to go home and sleep, but if you're not asleep within 30 minutes of finishing your procedure, you're in trouble. You'll be a hurting pup.

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