Friday, March 28, 2008

It's been a week since my surgery....

I'm at the 1 week mark since my surgery. Overall, I'm very happy and wish I had done this years ago. My eyes are definitely improving indoors (I set my monitor's resolution back to 1280x1024). My eyes still get "tired" and dry towards the end of the day. I do have some glare and haloing at night. It's not bad enough that it would keep me from driving at night if I had to, but I'll leave the night driving to my wife for the time being. Still using lots of lubricant eye drops.

I really can't believe that my glasses are gone. I had a -8 diopter perscriptiopn, so I was blind without my glasses. It still feels SOOO weird to not be wearing them. I really wish I had done this years ago.

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Chris said...
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