Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Daddy and Rachael, Day 1

So, we dropped off Frannie and Ging at Dulles at ~3:00PM yesterday. Rachael cried and whimpered for about 5 minutes until I cranked up "the lightbulb song" (Limelight by Rush) and we had a sing along all the way to Micro Center in Rockville. Rach *loved* Micro Center, especially the aisle with the blacklights, etc for modding PC cases. We bought a new keyboard and mouse (in hot pink, her choice) and some educational-looking game she picked out. Later in the evening we ordered a pink PC case and some "Hello Kiity" speakers from eBay.

After Micro Center we picked up my dad who had gotten a root canal earlier in the day. We went home and made some dinner. After dinner it was bath time, followed by Spongebob in bed. Rach was asleep, in HER bed, at 8:45pm. Around 11:30 or so she woke up enough to wander in my bedroom and cuddle up with the pups on my bed.

1 comment:

newsdame said...

Too cute, you guys. Rach sounds like the ultimate cuddle bunny anyway. Love to your dad. Teeth: root of all evil. Pun intended.